Vietnam’s tropical monsoon climate plus topographical features extending from the North to the South have created a variety of weather and led to a difference in the landscape in these regions. At the end of winter, if the temperature in the North can drop below 0 degrees, there is even white snow on the top of the country’s highest Mount Fansipan in Sa Pa, at the same time at Nha Trang beaches in central Vietnam. It is very warm, sunny, with a temperature of approximately 32 degrees.
There really is no ideal time to visit Vietnam. Each time in each region on this S-shaped strip of land has its own beauty. Therefore, if you are planning to visit Vietnam, what you need is to choose the time and type of landscape you like.
You should think of Vietnam as three distinct destinations when researching the weather for your intended visit.
Northern climate region
In the North of Vietnam, there is a humid subtropical climate but the tropical nature is reduced with four springs, summers, autumns and winters are relatively clear, the weather is warm all year round. In the far north, December and January can be particularly cold, with temperatures dropping below 0 degrees. This region includes the northern part of Hoang Lien Son range, with a humid subtropical climate. Climate is characterized by instability with the start and end of seasons and in temperature.
The Northeast region including the Northern Delta and the hilly left bank of the Red River is affected by the humid monsoon climate, is directly affected by tropical storms in the summer and less affected by the Lao wind.
The Northwest region includes the mountains from the right bank of the Red River to the Hoanh Son range. Due to the Hoang Lien Son mountain range blocking the wind, the climate of the Northwest is warmer than the Northeast. In mountainous areas, the drying direction of the slope plays an important role in the heat-humidity regime, the windward slope receives heavy rainfall while the western slope facilitates the “phon” wind formed when the air mass blows down the valley. .

Central climate region:
This region includes the territory to the east of the Truong Son range, extending from the south of the Hoang Son range to Mui Dinh, bearing the character of the tropical monsoon climate. The important feature of this climate region is that the rainy and dry seasons are not at the same time with the rainy and dry seasons of the other two climatic regions. Summer, when the whole country has the heaviest rainfall, this climate region is in the driest period.
The northern region of Hai Van Pass has less rainy winters than the northern climate and summers are strongly influenced by the Lao wind. In winter, the region is still affected by cold weather brought by the northeast monsoon and accompanied by heavy rain.
The northern region of Hai Van Pass has less rain in winter than in the Northern climate and summer is strongly influenced by Lao wind. In winter, the region is still affected by cold weather brought by the northeast monsoon and accompanied by heavy rain.
The South Central Coast from Da Nang to Binh Thuan has a higher temperature and is sometimes affected by winter cold, but not for long. The influence of the hot dry west wind is not great, but there is a deeper dry season.
Southern climate
It is divided into two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season.
Dry season: Lasting from November to April, the dry season is considered as the best time to visit South Vietnam when the sun shines almost all day, the sky is clear, the colors are vibrant, the atmosphere is bright. clear, dry temperatures, low humidity and mildly pleasant morning and evening temperatures. With relatively high southern temperatures (up to 39°C) but low humidity, a visit is recommended. In this area at the end of December, you can experience the atmosphere of Christmas and New Year in Ho Chi Minh City. The Lunar New Year, which falls in early February, is also a good opportunity to experience the city atmosphere during these special days.
Rainy season: According to the topography of Ho Chi Minh City, the average altitude is 19 meters above sea level. This proximity to the sea explains why during this heavy rainy season, it is easy to cause flooding throughout the city. Don’t forget to bring a raincoat and umbrella, it’s essential. Learn more about the rainy season in the South and interesting things to do when traveling, to have a great vacation without being limited by the weather, you should not travel to the South in the rainy season.